Akif turned 1 year 6months today. How fast time runs out. It’s like yesterday we celebrated his first birthday. The little guy who could hardly walk can run now. The little man who could only coo can talk now. He calls everyone at home. It’s just Amazing. On this special day I want to tell my little guy how much mamma loves you. Since the day I knew you existed up until now you have given me joy I never thought existed. I adore the little man you are coming up as. Every time you call me mamma, Every time you smile at me, Every time you give a kiss or a hug is 100 times more precious than anything life would ever give. I could give my life for a little smile of yours. You are my strength baby boy. I can’t put in words how much I love you. You are the best gift Allah has given me.He has grown up so much that he understands when we talk to him and he talks back. He loves little children and I love the gentle way he touch them. He will kiss and hug them. It melts my heart to see him with a baby.
He has started getting interested in Barney. He loves to see the Barney shows and sing and dance to the songs. First thing he wakes up in the morning and asks for is his soft toy Barney.
What Akif loves to do the most is housework. He loves to be near the laundry machine while I m doing the laundry. He loves to cook too. While I m cooking he wants me to hold him and cook so he gets close to the cooker and he will sing kakka, kakka, kakka which means cook, cook, cook. Guess my life is going to be very easy once he grows up. Let’s hope so.
The portrait we took on his 1 year 6months day
To celebrate his 1 year 6 months we planned a dinner for tonight but it turned out that my husband have an office football match. Wataniya futsal is going on these days. So we thought of having breakfast out. I always love to have breakfast in those outdoor cafes inside carnival. The Red mashuni and disk is delicious. So before going to office my husband took both of us to the carnival café and we enjoyed a tasty breakfast there. Little Aki ate a yorghurt and played with his Barney.
Aki with his favorite Barney
Aki, me and Barney

Aki with Daddy
The tasty breakfast i luv :D
After he woke up from his nap i thought of putting him to bath tub as it's been long since he have taken a bath in that.
Aki making faces which runs in the family.lol.
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