Baby Akif with daddy in naming ceremony
Naming Baby Akif.
Ready to slaughter the goat for naming
As I have mentioned before we have know each other since we were kids. I used to call him brother as our families are very close, almost like relatives. It sounds funny now.When he was 13 years he left to India for studies with his family. After 5 years they came to male’ for holidays and I spent the whole time with them. I would go home only to take baths, for school or sleep. I love hanging around with them. I was very little by that time.
It was the second time the MAGIC happened. He would stare at me but won’t say anything. He speaks rarely. It was on 1st may 1999 afternoon that he asked me out. I waited till night and said a yes which was not the answer I was going to give but I couldn’t say no looking at him, a yes just popped out which was the mistake I did which I m happy I did and never would regret. I was 15 years by then. He left after 12 days and we only wrote letters. I would get a letter every month once or sometimes twice as those days the post didn’t work like nowadays. Internet also was rare. He came back after almost 1 year and we celebrated our very first anniversary together. He left again after 1 week and didn’t come back for a long long time. It was then I started missing him like crazy. That was when I fell deeply in Love with him. I would wake up at midnight and read the letters he had sent me. I know all those letters by heart even now. Those sweet words always ran in my mind.
After 2 years internet was known and cyber cafĂ© were opened. Then we started chatting and mailing through internet but not very often, as we both were studying and asking our parents for money was not something we wanted. I collected my interval money and spend them on cyber cafe’s. A long distance relationship worked well with us. We never ever had a problem. Our love was growing strong and strong with each passing day.
Almost after 4 years he came to renew his visa and decided that he won’t be going back. I was working in ADK as a dental assistant. He will come to fetch me every night and he never was late. He would always be there before 5 minutes and never did he skip a day. He was amazing. I was falling over and over for him. It felt like I was falling into a very very deep well which had no end.
We married on 1st may 2005 which was a Sunday. Exactly after 6 years we have been together. This marriage has brought me so much happiness, learnt what life is and being with him brings the best in me.
Before I became pregnant, we used to go out for dinner on 1st of every month to celebrate our anniversary. No matter how tired we are, we always managed to go out those nights.
This time it was extremely special for me and my husband as our baby was joining us. We went to Symphony restaurant for an early evening dinner as Ahmed and I were fasting. After we came home from dinner we cut the cake. With a fabulous dinner and a great cake, the day ended perfectly.
God has blessed me with such a great husband that no matter how much I thank him, it won’t be enough. Thank You Ahmed for being the best husband ever. I love you with all my heart.
Baby, I still miss you at times. I used to think about you every now and then. When I see a baby about your age I always stare at them and wonder how you would have looked. You would be going to school by now. I would have been so proud to take you to school. There’s always a part of me missing you and why won’t I? You were the first baby I got pregnant with. The night I got the happy news is still fresh in my mind. It was 07.08.2006 night. I was so happy I called my mom whom I haven’t been talking to for a while. I thought of talking to everyone whom I was not talking in my family. I didn’t sleep that night. I kept caressing my tummy the whole night. But little I knew that the happiness won’t last long. You were with me for 7 days since I knew. But you have filled me with so much love that it hurt a lot when you left.
I was 7 weeks pregnant when it started bleeding one night. I was busy at work that day which I thought was the reason. So I stayed at home the next day. Again I was bleeding in the morning. I was scheduled to do a scan that afternoon. I called my sister, when she and my mom came we went to the hospital. The doctor in duty advised strict bed rest and sent me home. I was having so much pain by afternoon when I went to do the scan. That was when I knew that you were not there anymore. When the doctor said that, I wanted to scream but no voice would come out. I wanted to wake up from that nightmare but I wasn’t sleeping. .I went totally crazy. There were many sleepless nights after that. There were times when I only wanted to cry for nothing. I was so broken. I badly wanted you again.
On 29th March 2007 I and your daddy went to ADK hospital just in your memory. That was the date of my delivery given by the doctor when I first consulted. It was so painful. That whole day I was thinking of you at office. I kept thinking if you were there, today’s the day I will be holding you in my arms. But it is god’s will. I hope to meet you in heaven one day. Mummy loves you a lot.