Aki @ 12.00.
Just after he woke up with our packed gift
Gift unpacked.yeah bappa's favorite Man U ball.
Fresh after a bath. Look at his swollen eyes after a good nights sleep.
He ate faiy and roshi for breakfast with his maama. We left him with her and went to do some shopping for the evening. When we came back he had already finished his snack which was a banana. He was a maamaa's child for the day.
After leaving him to play with his toys i fed him some cereal. While i was feeding him, his kootha, Ainikko and Haaniboo came and gave him this barney.
So happy with the gift he got.
After this he took nap and was surprised to see this......
Balloons was everywhere
Thanx to leekko for taking these pics.
A very busy little mom
My two little helpers who helped to blow the balloons.
Third little helper tired after blowing those balloons.
Kabadey and mussydhatha decorating. Thanx guys i luved the place.
While they were decorating i fed Aki and made him ready for the evening tea.
Ready for the evening. He was soo happy to see the place with all balloons.
I showed him the cake i made for his b day. He was smiling and wanted to touch it.
His b'day cake made by me. It wasn't tasty but aki loved it so who cares :P
Happy b'day Akif
Food helper thutthatha
Thutthattha, thanx for the waffles and githeyo boakibaa
B' day boy with mamma and bappa
Thitthibe,suzandhatha and Cute Thammi.
I asked Thammi how he became that fair.
Thammi: I put powder on my face.
Me: Thuttha also put but doesn't get fair,
Thammi: I put powder from the big bottle.
Cuteypie Ainikko, Sidhudhatha, Yaanidhatha and Ashambe.
Thittha and Adorable Zacbe
Can i boy enjoy more.......
Kids enjoying
Thutthube and Shifanatha after showing to doc.She is ready to pop :)
Dhaadhube, samdhatha, Ammu, kaafa, thitthi and suzandhatha.
Aki with Dhy
Pretty Sakhatha the icing lover
My mom in pink :)
My girlfriend Shehe with her beautiful family :)
Kudaatha busy making dinner for ainikko and aki. look whose busy eating too :P
Aki with all the cousins from Bappa side.
Could not take a pic of the cousins from my side as some were missing :(
Cutting the cake. Look at Yaani still busy whistling.
Aki and Maama
Aki ready to sleep. After a long day my sunny boy is still sunny alhamdhlilaahi :)
It was a fun day with all family and close friends. Thank you everyone who made this day so special for him.
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